Friday 22 May 2015

The 'F' word

So there's this 'F' word that people use a lot these days, it almost makes it's way to every conversation. And obviously it's... Feminism. (No, you really thought I would use an 'expletive' and make a blog post about it. Tsk, tsk on you my dear reader. Just kidding, I'd have thought the same too, trust me,okay read ahead now.). So, what does Feminism actually mean? Hmm.

I won't bore you with a dictionary definition and thesis on the same, because you would be smart enough to 'Google' it. But the thing is Feminism doesn't mean Women empowerment *cue jawdrop*. Yes, it means equality. Equality between the man and woman. The SAME treatment. Equal political, economic, cultural, personal and social rights for women, and those rights to be equal to be as of men.

There is an extremely heavy overbearing misconception about Feminism which is making the rounds these days, That feminists are wanting 'superiority' of women over men. Why? Because women are more powerful! Duh,

But please, as I mentioned earlier Feminism is not about giving more rights to anyone, it's not about giving additional advantages to anyone, or even taking certain rights from anyone.

Hence, That means there would be no rapes, or sexual harassment. Hence no 'special' coaches and seats on trains and buses for women, those who are tired can sit, those who can stand can stand. There'd be no female infanticide, because hey, all infants are equal right? Women can wear pants and sit cross-legged anywhere, and Men can wear skirts and kurtis and kajal if they like. Not only men will go to 'choose' and 'see' their prospective brides, but woman can do 'groom-dikhai- too.

But you know when all this can be possible? When YOU and ME, start accepting that Women are equal. Even if we repeatedly state this statement every single day, we still believe that many sexist actions are normal. We believe men don't cry,We believe men should open car doors and pull out seats for women, we believe women cannot reach the top shelf and cannot open tight jar lids, We believe men cannot wear necklaces and pout in pictures, and we also believe that women are forever gossipmongers, cannot play sports and are usually unpractical.

One day, if we stop believing in all this. Treat each other equally and just, honestly vocalise and channelize our inner desires and feelings. We'd have a happy world, with 57548758742757 lesser problems, and 75% world peace.

So, Support the F-word maybe?

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.