Wednesday 26 August 2015


A Goodbye.
As the hammer struck the gong thrice, the whole
school chanted a 4-line prayer in unison. And two
kids, put on their tiny bags, and as they parted ways,
albeit not wanting to, they said 'Goodbye' as a 
promise, to meet again. 

The cliched voice of the Bareilly Railway station,
reverberated throughout the station, announcing 
the departure of the train that went to Srinagar, 
and a young man, clad in the Indian army gear,
 held his woman tight to his chest,not 
 wanting to let go. Her red bangles and
the red line in the partition of her forehead, showed
that the young lovers, needed each other, needed
time. And as they depart, they say 'goodbye',
for nothing else would mean anything to
express the recurrent longing.

The same place they had met, 4 years ago
The same music playing, the serene violin.
They looked into each others' eyes, and they
did what they were here to do. They just
sighed in unison, and made a decision that
broke their hearts. They decided to separate.
After 4 years, they paid their share of the bill
individually, and they said 'Goodbye' with tears
in their eyes, for the reasons to be different, were
way more than the ones that kept them together.

A 'Goodbye', is a promise, an emblem of longing.
A denotation of separation, for the better, always.
Tears and sadness are its best comrades, but 
Goodbyes, they certainly are not forever.

It's just a farewell, a hope, a sign,
that they'll be back. The one who left,
he'll surely be back.

Goodbyes, oh they never stay forever.

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.

This is the last post of the year 2015 or maybe even 2016. So, see you after a long long while. It was a beautiful journey, it surely was. Thank you all.

Thursday 9 July 2015


She sat beside the window, eyes closed in peace and half-meditation, praying to her Lord, as she always did. For the past 27 of my life that I was with her, this one thing had never changed. Her hair, now more white than black, and her skin wrinkled with the adages of old age, glistened in the streaks of sunlight that sifted from the creaks of the window. She wore a khakhi night-suit, which to my distaste, made her look more old than she already was. As her lips moved to the symphony only she knew my mind reverted back to the millions of memories I had with her.

She used to move around in the huge hospital premises, wearing her scrubs, running in a speed hypothetically faster than light, doing the job more sincerely than it was supposed to do. I had seen her winning the best Employee award, I had seen her sacrificing everything for the people she loved. She was the most confident and sassiest woman I would come across. A precious asset, and an incomparable soul, that I had always wanted in my life. But it would always hurt me that Why it had to be her? Just why did she had to...

'Who are you and why are you here? Get out of the room or I am calling the security.' the subject of my above speculation and appreciation screamed at me, in a voice as high as she could possibly manage. And she started coughing and twitching hysterically, for my presence had betwixt the bubble she had been in, forcing herself to do something she wasn't supposed to do, Be angry.

The nurses rushed in, giving her the necessary aids, glaring at me with cunning eyes, putting the blame of the catastrophe on me. And I walked out, as the weight of this miserable condition weighed down on me. 'Mumma....' I groaned, and lo came out the tears, uncontrollably as every inch of frustration somehow was emanating from me in these round droplets of saline water.

Why did I call her Mumma, you ask? For she is my mother., with the experience of a seventy year old and the naivety of a toddler. With the wisdom of an owl, and the memories, all her memories had vanished. Leaving me an orphan who had a mother.

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love

P.S - This is just to motivate you to tell your Mom that she is amazing and you would have been nothing if not for her. :)

Thanks Ma.

Friday 22 May 2015

The 'F' word

So there's this 'F' word that people use a lot these days, it almost makes it's way to every conversation. And obviously it's... Feminism. (No, you really thought I would use an 'expletive' and make a blog post about it. Tsk, tsk on you my dear reader. Just kidding, I'd have thought the same too, trust me,okay read ahead now.). So, what does Feminism actually mean? Hmm.

I won't bore you with a dictionary definition and thesis on the same, because you would be smart enough to 'Google' it. But the thing is Feminism doesn't mean Women empowerment *cue jawdrop*. Yes, it means equality. Equality between the man and woman. The SAME treatment. Equal political, economic, cultural, personal and social rights for women, and those rights to be equal to be as of men.

There is an extremely heavy overbearing misconception about Feminism which is making the rounds these days, That feminists are wanting 'superiority' of women over men. Why? Because women are more powerful! Duh,

But please, as I mentioned earlier Feminism is not about giving more rights to anyone, it's not about giving additional advantages to anyone, or even taking certain rights from anyone.

Hence, That means there would be no rapes, or sexual harassment. Hence no 'special' coaches and seats on trains and buses for women, those who are tired can sit, those who can stand can stand. There'd be no female infanticide, because hey, all infants are equal right? Women can wear pants and sit cross-legged anywhere, and Men can wear skirts and kurtis and kajal if they like. Not only men will go to 'choose' and 'see' their prospective brides, but woman can do 'groom-dikhai- too.

But you know when all this can be possible? When YOU and ME, start accepting that Women are equal. Even if we repeatedly state this statement every single day, we still believe that many sexist actions are normal. We believe men don't cry,We believe men should open car doors and pull out seats for women, we believe women cannot reach the top shelf and cannot open tight jar lids, We believe men cannot wear necklaces and pout in pictures, and we also believe that women are forever gossipmongers, cannot play sports and are usually unpractical.

One day, if we stop believing in all this. Treat each other equally and just, honestly vocalise and channelize our inner desires and feelings. We'd have a happy world, with 57548758742757 lesser problems, and 75% world peace.

So, Support the F-word maybe?

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.

Thursday 19 March 2015

Let's think. Let's act.

As you sit on your comfortable chair, annoyed
that your mom made paneer again. As you sit and
connect your phone to the Wi-Fi, but it works
dead slow. As you complain about the fact that 
at 12 midnight, your kitchen isn't equipped with
the Salsa and Tacos you crave for. As you murmur
at your best friend, who refuses to agree to your
crazy logic about your crush liking back, to bring 
you back to your senses. You fight with your parents 
for not buying you the new Iphone. You get 
annoyed at your maid for not being present for a day
since her daughter was sick. You sit and complain all 
day long about the problems you have everyday.
But think,
Think of the people who die of not getting food for 
weeks and weeks. Think of the people who do not
even have phones to call their relatives once a month.
Think of the people who only get salt and roti, every
single time for all three meals of the day. Think of the 
people who commit suicide because they have no
friends to care for them, to listen to the grievous problems 
they have. Think of the people who do not even have 
their own houses, forget having an Iphone. Think of the
maid's daughter who's sick and ailing. Think of the people
who lost their loved ones, of the people who have never 
been loved by anyone, those who are bullied, those who
are enslaved, those who are tortured.

Now that you did think, do you really think you're in problems?

Stop thinking, 'cause you and me are some of the most privileged people ever. We get to sit comfortably in our rooms and read this with a cup of coffee in freedom.
Why don't we work towards getting this same basic freedom for everyone?

Let's work towards a better world.

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Hidden Savior.

She sat in front of the laptop screen, fingers grazing over the keyboard at lightning speed.It was her home, her sanctuary. People asked her questions, she gave answers. She made people know that they are amazing, the way they are. They needn't change.For anyone, for anything.
People constantly sent her problems, again and again. Sometimes threatening to kill her if she didn't answer. She would answer them unabashed, not caring for a speckle in the world. Her answers would spit out all the furious goodness she had. People worshiped her, thanked her for all the goodness she showed. She was the messiah for many. Their life was a putty in their hands. She called herself an online counsellor, They called her a savior.
Again, she took her cup of coffee, sat in front of the screen, answering the gazillion questions she received. Right from people needing help to cope up from bitter break-ups to people sending absurd questions about her virginity. She answered them, answered them all, in the best way she could. She was a life-saver, she was there for people who had nobody else to rely upon. People didn't believe in her families but her.

And as the alarm ring, she zipped up her boots, put her bag, and went out. And now, she was no one. She was no saviour, she was no life saver. She was just a common girl, walking her own way, making her own ways.

Just like her, many people, knowingly or unknowingly are your saviors.
And these hidden saviors, make world a better place.
And you can be one too.
Just be good :)

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Girls deserve to be Destroyed.

Welcome to today's India, where you open the first page of the newspaper and day after day, without fail, somewhere in a corner, there would be a hidden article stating 'Girl raped in xyz area of the country',' Women molested and beaten by her husband and in-laws' or '19-Year old committed suicide because her in'laws pestered her for Dowry'. Earlier my blood boiled whenever I read such articles, thinking that why on earth are us women suspected to such gory and heinous acts? Why us? 
Are we weaker? No.
Did we commit any crimes down the history for us to be punished? No.
Do we women pose as a threat to the county and the men worldwide? Hahahahahaha. No.

As far as my 16 and a half year old brain understands, people who do wrong are and should be punished. And since we women are punished on a very regular basis, all I can conclude is we women deserve it. Yes you heard that right.
We women Deserve to be raped, deserve to be molested, deserve to be killed for no reason, deserve to be tortured mentally and physically. Women deserve to be Destroyed.

Why you ask? I'll tell you.
Because women give birth to douchebag men who rape and kill. Scratch that, women give birth in general, they carry a life inside them for 9 months, taking care of that unborn baby more than herself, sacrificing her comforts and pleasures.
Because women are the ones who change homes and names after marriage, leaving the comfort of their parents and coming to live with you. Acting as a servant, wife, co-employee, co-breadwinner, friend, sister and what not.
Because women constitute almost half of the population of India, we oh-so deserve to die.
Because since the dawn of time, women like Marie Curie, Helen Keller, Indira Gandhi, Indira Nooyi and  Rani Laxmibai have made their mark in this crude patriarchal society.
Because women have become millionaire authors, amazing CEOs, First achievement mountaineers, Amazing directors, Amazing actresses, Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, Farmers, Nurses, Teachers, Sportspeople, IAS officers, Presidents, Prime Ministers. You name it, We have done it.

But You know what? We deserve to die. We don't deserve humanity or respect or equality at all. Men, you're ding a great job exploiting women all day, everyday. Go ahead, it's YOU who deserve to arise and shine, not us. Not your mothers, sisters,girlfriends, wives, crushes, aunts, nieces, We all deserve to be subdued. Let's just leave it that.

Am I right?

Laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.

P.S.- If you seriously didn't understand the inert sarcasm and underlying message of this post, YOU are the Kind of people we need to eradicate and improve in our society.
And if you did get my point, please spread this message, Make a difference.

Tuesday 20 January 2015


She woke up at dawn
Stretched like a Cheshire Cat
Stifled a yawn.

Dragged herself to brush her enamel pearls,
Bathed, dressed up
Set her hair in curls.

Then came up the tedious part,
Applying all makeup to hide her marks
'Twas tough, she didn't know that art.

Everyday she came out with a new zeal
Thinking they would be merciful, but still
Everyday, her purity they steal.

She was a broken doll in their hands
Unwillingly, she fell in this trap
They beat her, defiled her, her arms tied by bands.

Their filthy hands, travel up her torso
She has to allow, she can't stop them
Cause if she doesn't, she'll be whipped, Hell No!

And they use her, hurt her, without any fail.
They make her numb, with force, with pain
And she just stays afloat, she  just sails.

 And she cries herself to sleep not 'cause of the pain
 But because she cannot resist the filth
 and all her struggles go totally vain.

 She never chose to be so gullible, so fragile,
 But  now she is deprived, deprived of
 her beauty, her innocence, her smile.

 laugh. Rainbows. Unicorns. Love.